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Intuitive Massage & Energy Healing

Wave Bodywork

for WOMEN 
2 locations:  Comox Valley + Vancouver, BC

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Welcome to WaveBodywork,
a sanctuary
dedicated to women

Massage can be a sacred portal where we tend to the realms of mind, body and spirit. When I share the profound healing of massage, I do it from a devotional place. It's a ceremony, a form of moving meditation, a form of prayer.


My wish is that every woman be blessed to experience how it feels to be touched with respect, kindness and unconditional love.​ So she can feel safe to be herself, to be fully present in her body, and to be held by Grace.


So she can remember that she is worthy, that she came here to shine her light and that when women unite together, we can not only live well, but thrive!

That is my prayer. That is my longing. That is my revolution, it starts with honoring the feminine body.

I have heard the call of the Divine Feminine as long as I can remember, I believe that it started long before this life time, but this time around my path is to work with and for women, because it resonates truth in every cell in my body.



"I vow to be present with all of my heart to serve Women, to hold them with unconditional love, to help them remember their truth, their worth, their gentle power.

So they may feel at home in their body, so they may feel with all their heart, so they may hear more clearly the voice of their soul.

I vow to serve the awakening of the Divine Feminine Energy on earth, to serve the lineages of Isis and Mary Magdalene, to serve Mother Earth and all that is Pure and True.

I dedicate my life's work to grounding this vibration on the earth plane, with mindfulness, kindness, compassion and love."

Blessed be ~ And so it is.

My heart's offerings:

Lomi Lomi



Lomilomi is much more than a massage modality, it's a body mind spirit ritual.  It relaxes, invigorates, purifies, nourishes and restores your sense of wholeness and connection to your heart and soul.


Foot Reflexology

Reflexology is an incredibly relaxing massage modality.

It is one of the safest and least invasive complementary therapeutic practices available. Chinese traditional foot massage is based on the belief that by touching the feet we can heal the whole body.




I use pregnancy pillows for your comfort. A luxurious treatment that reduces swollen, painful legs and feet, reduces muscle cramps and back pain, and helps you sleep better.  

Deep Flow



Muscle recovery massage. A therapeutic medium to deep pressure massage, that is also very relaxing.

An alignment-based approach that focuses on releasing your physical and emotional stress.

Head Relax massage

A deeply relaxing massage that will release tensions in your back, shoulders, neck, scalp and face. It's designed to quiet the mind and help you feel peaceful, nourished, clear-headed, centred and safe. 

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