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How to stay zen when our world is falling apart?

~Self Care Tip~

When life is challenging, we must prioritize our self care.

By Self Care I mean Authentically and Responsibly tending to our well being. I do not mean staying in bed for the whole day eating ice cream and watching romantic comedies! NOPE!

By Authentically I mean: To do something that is TRUE TO YOU. ei: I love dancing! It’s my soul’s medicine. Dancing is very therapeutic to me. So right now I am prioritizing going to a dance class over going on a hike with my partner (hiking is “his thing”). Right now is not a time to be the pleaser. It’s time to HEAL!

By Responsibly I mean: Looking at what is the PRIORITY, right now, to help regulate my body and nervous system to a stable, grounded state. ei: When times are rough, I have a tendency to do some emotional eating in the evening. I over eat until late. I then wake up the next day tired, my body feels toxic and I am even more emotional than the day prior! So if I choose to be my Responsible adult self, I know that when times are hard, I must watch my bad eating habits and apply myself to eat even Better than usual. Alkaline, non irritating foods, and especially having light and early dinners so my body can heal and rest at night, as nature intended.

Lately, as there is so much calamity and upheaval in the world, I need to max up my self care. So here are some examples of things that I do on a weekly basis:

Meditate every day Receive an Energy Healing session Go for a Float @ Halsa Spa Go to a conscious dance class @ Dance Divine Walks in Nature Yoga Take extra Vit C, Iron and Magnesium

Why do I take my self care so seriously? Because I take my life, my job and my relationships Seriously! Because I am dedicated to showing up fully, to the best of my abilities and to giving my best, especially to my clients and students. It is so important to me, that it’s NOT negotiable! It is my priority!

So my invitation for you this Month is to reflect on what activities are Healing for you?

Authentically ei: Nature walks, Yoga, Dancing, Writing, Playing music, Painting, Singing… What makes you come alive? PLEASE DO MORE OF THAT!

Responsibly; Where do you tend to fail yourself? Emotional Eating? Social Media binging? Spending too much time on social media, absorbing all the negativity & feeling pulled in too many directions and ending up feeling overwhelmed and totally drained? Do you spend too much time working or fixing? Are you trying to fix everything and every one and end up feeling exhausted from it?

When life is challenging, we must prioritize our self care, because there is then a big risk of getting emotionally overwhelmed. To recharge most of us need: time spent in SILENCE time spent in NATURE to be in our BODY, exercising to eat Healthy FOOD

This Self Care Practice will benefit not only you, but also your loved ones and your community at large. Blessed be! ~Melanie~

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