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Women only massage

WHY ONLY WOMEN? I believe that every woman deserves to experience how it feels to be touched with respect, kindness and unconditional love.​ So she can feel safe to be herself, to be in her body, and to be held by Grace. So she can remember that she is worthy, that she came here to rise and shine her light and that when women unite together, we can not only live well, but thrive!

That is my prayer. That is my longing. That is my revolution, it starts with honoring the human body.

I have heard the call of the Divine Feminine as long as I can remember, I believe that it started long before this life time, but this time around my path is to work with and for women, because it resonates truth in every cell in my body.


I vow to be present with all of my heart to serve Women, to hold them with Grace, to help them remember their truth, their worth, their power.

So they may feel at home in their body, so they may feel with all their heart, so they may hear more clearly the voice of their soul.

I vow to serve the awakening of the the Divine Feminine Energy on earth, to serve the lineages of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene, to serve Mother Earth and all that is Pure and True.

I dedicate my life's work to grounding this vibration on the earth plane, with mindfulness, kindness, compassion and love.

Blessed be ~ And so it is.

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